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Cut your learning curve in half and learn how to narrow in on your ideal customer by finding your target audience. This episode, Peter Voogd adds value to your business by sharing the key questions to galvanize your marketing efforts into action:

  1. Who would pay for my services?
  2. Who has already paid for my services?
  3. Am I making decision based solely on my own experience?
  4. What is my scale?
  5. How did my competitors get started?
  6. How will I find my customers?
  7. What solutions do I provide?

Get the consistent results that you crave by targeting your marketing efforts towards a fine-tuned audience. Tune in to the next episode for strategies for leadership excellence and establishing a framework for success, and in the meantime, take action!


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How to Differentiate Yourself episode

Audible – Get 6 Figures audiobook