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Dr. Bill Dorfman | LEAP Your Way to Success

Dr. Bill Dorfman | LEAP Your Way to Success

Why simply survive when you can learn to thrive? Join serial entrepreneur Peter Voogd as he interviews fellow entrepreneur and dentist to the stars, Dr. Bill Dorfman. As seen on ABC’s Extreme Makeover and The Doctors, Dr. Bill is shifting our culture forward through his not-for-profit motivational and development program for young adults, the LEAP Foundation.

Inspired by a similar program where he was the guest speaker, Dr. Bill seeks to fill the gaps of traditional education by teaching students and young professionals the secrets to his success including time and money management, working with a mentor, and the art of appreciation.

In this episode, he offers the key attributes young professionals need to succeed in a modern work environment:

  1. Always be learning. Social media is everything.
  2. Don’t wait for opportunities. Make them.
  3. When you are presented with an opportunity, don’t take it. Master it.

By changing the trajectory of the participant’s lives, LEAP is creating breakthroughs and giving many young adults a competitive edge. If you’re ready to join in on the excitement, or if you’re just looking for more information, text LEAP to 54900.



How To Create Frameworks That Empower

How To Create Frameworks That Empower

In this modern economy, the need for world-class leaders grows every minute. Leadership is so much more than a title and its more than just management; its developing future leaders. Join serial entrepreneur Peter Voogd as he shares his tips to establish an effective, memorable framework and become a real leader.

There’s no need to over complicate your framework. Be sure that your framework is teachable, simple, and intentional. Remember that you are always leading by example and that you should strive to demonstrate your self control and decision-making prowess. Be willing to accept 100% responsibility and learn how to command respect from your employees (time).

Tune in next episode to hear the best lessons that Peter has gained from his mentor, Jordan Wirsz and, in the meantime, continue to live life on your terms.



How to Determine Your Market

How to Determine Your Market

Cut your learning curve in half and learn how to narrow in on your ideal customer by finding your target audience. This episode, Peter Voogd adds value to your business by sharing the key questions to galvanize your marketing efforts into action:

  1. Who would pay for my services?
  2. Who has already paid for my services?
  3. Am I making decision based solely on my own experience?
  4. What is my scale?
  5. How did my competitors get started?
  6. How will I find my customers?
  7. What solutions do I provide?

Get the consistent results that you crave by targeting your marketing efforts towards a fine-tuned audience. Tune in to the next episode for strategies for leadership excellence and establishing a framework for success, and in the meantime, take action!



Ways To Make Money Online

Ways To Make Money Online

The Internet has revolutionized how we live our lives by bolstering our connectivity and our opportunities. Start living life on your terms by making money online. In this episode, serial entrepreneur Peter Voogd shares his strategies to help jumpstart your online influence to maximize your online income.

According to Peter, one of the biggest mistakes entrepreneurs make online is starting too many projects at once. Resist expanding your scope right away and focus on quality instead of quantity. By asking yourself who would pay for your product or service, you can identify your ideal market.

Stay tuned for the next episode where Peter offers his advice on understanding and identifying your market and creating memorable and influential content.

