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Six Ways to Create World Class Energy

Six Ways to Create World Class Energy

Most people start the year focused on New Year resolutions, but their energy fizzles out after only a few short weeks. These people tend to focus on results, giving little thought to the process of planning and achieving their goals. If you’re listening to this podcast, you are not one of those people.  This episode, Peter offers his tips for energizing your life to help you work towards your world-class lifestyle (2:04):

“What you focus on affects your energy.” Tweet This

  1. Clarity and world-class planning
  2. Routine
  3. Get rid of toxic people
  4. Focus, focus, focus
  5. Consistent exercise and elite diet
  6. Personal rejuvenation and renewal

“The secret to energy is purpose.” Tweet This



Living a Charged Life

Living a Charged Life

At seminars, speakers frequently begin their talks by asking how the crowd is doing. Although most people respond with clapping and cheers, do you know how you would honestly respond if asked to reflect upon your current lifestyle?

“Complacency is the death of most dreams and goals.” Tweet This

There are three different types of lifestyles: the caged life, the comfortable life, and the charged life. In order to have an extraordinary, world-class life, you need to be living the super charged, passionate life.

“Successful people focus on the future 9:1 over the mediocre.” Tweet This

To get to where you need to be, you have to be aware of where you’re coming from. In this episode, Peter shares the seven traits of someone living the super charged life.

  1. They are present
  2. Future-Oriented
  3. Challenge-Seekers
  4. Interested in Authentic Connections
  5. Self-Reliant
  6. Creative
  7. Meaning-Makers

This week, rate yourself on a scale of 1-10 on each of these traits. Choose one area to focus on and take it up a notch. See the profound difference that it makes in your life after only seven days.

“Achievers are always, always striving for new ambitions. Always.” Tweet This



The Secret to Increasing Your Productivity: Part 2

The Secret to Increasing Your Productivity: Part 2

Do you ever have the feeling that you aren’t getting enough done? Do you find yourself constantly multitasking but still feeling like you always have unfinished work? Stop confusing being busy for productivity and keep it simple and focused with Peter’s tips for increasing your productivity.

“The key is giving yourself the competitive edge over other people.” Tweet This

When we wake up in the morning, we have a limited amount of willpower to spend throughout the day. Rather than prioritizing other people’s agendas over your own, try these tips for maximizing your concentration and productivity. Inspired by Eben Pagan’s 60/60/30 plan, Peter outlines a way to organize your work time for maximum results (2:23):

After your morning routine,

  1. 60 minutes of complete concentration and focus
  2. 15 minutes of renewal
  3. 60 minutes of complete concentration and focus
  4. 30 minutes of renewal

The blocks of renewal are absolutely essential for you to work at your optimal best. During these focused, uninterrupted blocks of time, it can help to have calming music playing in the background. One app that has proven successful for Hal Elrod, Peter, and Nick is the focus@will app-check it out!



#100: The Secret to Increasing Your Productivity

#100: The Secret to Increasing Your Productivity

“Steal time from your low-value activities and invest that time in higher value work.” Tweet This

Do you ever find yourself wishing that there were more hours in a day? Make the most of your life by increasing your productivity and spending more time focusing on the activities that add the most value to your life. Drawing his  inspiration from the brilliant, business-minded Eben Pagan’s tried-and-true method, Peter challenges you to organize your daily activities into these four categories (2:14):

  1. High Lifetime Value Value
  2. High Dollar per Hour Value
  3. Low Dollar per Hour Value
  4. Negative or Zero Value

Once you figure out how you are allocating your time, rearrange your daily schedule so you can achieve the most out of each and every day. Be sure to complete this activity and prepare yourself for the next episode where more tips and tools for unleashing your most productive self will be revealed!

