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If you don’t understand how to use your time, you’ll lose it. Learn to give your time the respect it deserves and choose your projects wisely as author, speaker, and serial entrepreneur Peter Voogd shares his method for determining how much your time is actually worth.

  1. Know how much you want to earn this year.
  2. Figure out how many days a week you’re going to work.
  3. Determine how many hours you want to work per day.
  4. Multiply lines 2 and 3 to get the total annual hours you will work.
  5. Divide line 1 by line 4 to get your base hourly rate
  6. Divide your hourly rate by 3 to reach your base hourly wage.

Once you understand how much your time is truly worth, you will start making better decisions when choosing how to spend your time and you’ll actually gain more respect for other people’s time. Hopefully this short exercise in time management will make you understand your value in who you are as a person and an entrepreneur.

“If you don’t respect your time, no one else will.”


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