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Being Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable

Being Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable


Become comfortable with being uncomfortable with today’s guest, author and international speaker, Mark Lack. Today Mark and I discuss the secret to cultivating a mindset that will allow you to enjoy the results that you want in your life through changing your daily patterns.

In this episode, you will…

  • Learn the power of habit and how becoming aware of your patterns can maximize your results
  • Discover how you can upgrade your knowledge base by upleveling your circle of influence
  • Hear the biggest factor that differentiates Mark from his competitors


How to Create Brand Advocates

How to Create Brand Advocates


Today we’re throwing it back to 2008 to an article written by Kevin Kelly about the fan to success ratio. In his article, Kelly claims that you need one thousand raving fans to have a million dollar business. But how do you begin to create those raving fans and advocates who will promote your stuff, buy your stuff, and truly believe in you??

In this episode, you will…

  1. Hear how you can easily create followers to develop a base audience for your business.
  2. Learn to transform your followers into supporters through congruency and consistency.
  3. Discover how you can convert your followers into true believers of your brand through real-life results.
  4. Find out how to attract raving fans and advocates by investing in persistence.
  5. Get some tips on how you can accelerate this process to expand your impact and your influence by developing a unique framework.
