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John Hall | How to Market with Content

John Hall | How to Market with Content


If you haven’t already, tune in to last week’s episode to get the most value from this episode’s guest. Join hosts Peter Voogd and Nick Palkowski as they interview the founder of Influence & Co., John Hall on his strategies for content marketing and executive branding for young entrepreneurs.

Even if you can’t quite afford to hire a content marketing firm like Influence & Co., there are steps you can take to improve your PR and marketing strategy. A few tips shared by John in this episode include:

  1. Having a clear blueprint
  2. Asking yourself what makes you different
  3. Establishing a process for extracting knowledge
  4. Setting aside time for this process

When you can help someone else, do it. Remember that it isn’t all about you and offer your help and services to others; it will pay back in the long term and build lasting relationships built on trust along the way. Don’t think you have to do everything at once and focus on doing what you do best.


John Hall | Gaining Trust and Credibility as a Young Entrepreneur

John Hall | Gaining Trust and Credibility as a Young Entrepreneur


One of the biggest obstacles facing young entrepreneurs is gaining enough trust and credibility to attract new business and grow your brand. Enter co-founder and CEO of Influence & Co.’s John Hall.  In this episode of the podcast, join John and serial entrepreneur Peter Voogd as they discuss ways to gain trust and credibility as a young entrepreneur.

John’s company, Influence & Co., works to help brands and individuals extract and leverage their expertise to create, publish, and distribute their content to influence and boost their credibility with their key audience.

By testing his methods through trial and error, John has taken his ideas to market and has met a lot of success. Here are a few of his many strategies for breaking through the barrier of trust between new entrepreneurs and their clientele:

  1. Educate others and offer help
  2. Focus on getting things done, not making them perfect
  3. Surround yourself with a solid support system

Your brand can be a huge asset in bringing new business and retaining current clients. What can you do to better your brand? Tune in to future episodes to hear more from John Hall on how you can utilize your expertise into influence.


Most Common Success Traps

Most Common Success Traps


As one of Forbes’ biggest influencers, Arianna Huffington is one of the leaders in innovation and an example for how to achieve at an elite level. Rather than bother with too many bullet points, this episode is straight value on how Arianna avoids the most common success traps and how she avoids mistakes made by overreacting. Join serial entrepreneur Peter Voogd as he shares what he has learned from observing Arianna Huffington.

Some of the largest success traps that Arianna has faced has led her to a few conclusions. Avoid saying yes to too many things. Never forget to take care of your health and energy first and foremost to avoid burnout. Always remember that you don’t have to do this along. Recognize the importance of asking for help and delegating tasks to a trusted team, rather than leave everything to yourself.

Arianna recognizes that most of her mistakes stem from overreacting due to sleep deprivation. To keep yourself from overreacting, one of the biggest things you can do is be aware of your emotional state and then have a system in place to help bring you back to reality.

As a leader in the business world, Arianna continues to improve herself through study. And a focus on growth in all that she does. Go beyond being effective and be enjoyable to be around. Even if you have all of the success in the world, if other people don’t like being around you, what’s the point? Continue to work on yourself-from the outside and from within-and invest in your human capital. You are your most vital resource!


Murray Newlands | Getting Funding For Your Startup

Murray Newlands | Getting Funding For Your Startup

One of the biggest challenges facing young entrepreneurs, start-ups, and new business owners is getting good PR. Join serial entrepreneur Peter Voogd and start-up advisor, investor, and entrepreneur, Murray Newlands as they discuss how you can find your target audience and maximize your PR efforts.

After working in online marketing for ten years, Murray started to break in to the PR scene and today his work can be found in numerous publications including VentureBeat and Entrepreneur. As a journalist in his own right, Murray adds valuable advice and insight into getting the PR you need to make your business take off.

The most important piece of advice is not an actionable, but instead a rule to take to heart: stop spamming journalists! They’re people too and emailing one-on-one can go a long way. Journalists wants to write about what their audience wants to read about so target publications that actually care about your product or service.

At the end of the day, good PR is about having the right relationships with the right people and that takes time to build. Start by pitching your idea to smaller bloggers and see if it gets any traction. If you can’t build relationships with journalists, hire someone who can. Consistent strategy and persistence is key and you will eventually network your way up to bigger publications and more exposure.

