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#99: Focusing on Mastery vs. Overload

#99: Focusing on Mastery vs. Overload

“People should be jumping from results to progress.” Tweet This

With so many podcasts targeting entrepreneurs, the amount of information can be overwhelming. But rather than demand you to absorb as much new information as possible, Peter challenges you to strive for mastery.

“If you want mastery, you need to reflect on what you’re learning.” Tweet This

In order to help you attain the utmost value from these podcasts, the format has been changed to encourage you to absorb the information and take action. To get the most out of these podcasts, Peter shares a few tips for the listeners (5:10):

  • Take one action from each episode
  • Teach it to others
  • Be patient
  • Be intentional and sophisticated

By choosing just one skill or one podcast to implement into your life and schedule at a time, you will see the results you’ve always wanted. Live your life intentionally and pursue skills congruent with your goals to achieve your ultimate lifestyle and business goals!

“Habits trump inspiration everyday.” Tweet This



98: Stop Settling for Mediocrity | An Interview with Jordan Wirsz

98: Stop Settling for Mediocrity | An Interview with Jordan Wirsz

“Ambition will only get you so far.” Tweet This

Don’t settle for mediocrity! In the last episode, Jordan and Peter discussed the importance of mitigating risk and creating a strategy to strike a balance in your risk-reward ratio. While passion provides the vital push needed to start any entrepreneurial venture, it is only once you see results from hard work and dedication that you can achieve true success. In this episode, learn how to turn your enthusiasm and zest into a meaningful strategy for building a sustainable business.

“Passion comes from results.” Tweet This

Success is waking up every day with the same level of tenacity, perseverance, and dedication as the day before. This does not come about from sheer ambition alone, but through taking the time to ponder and assess risks to create a strategy that will maximize your rewards. Jordan shares his tips to gaining the sophistication needed to uplevel your business and revolutionize your entrepreneurial skills.

For even more guidance, draw inspiration from Jordan’s list of essential books for young, energetic entrepreneurs, including his own book, The Maverick Millionaire, for a no-BS approach to adding wealth and value to your life by living with intention.

“Energy is not enough-you need to think!” Tweet This



#97: Upping Your Entrepreneurial Risk Tolerance with Jordan Wirsz

#97: Upping Your Entrepreneurial Risk Tolerance with Jordan Wirsz

“You have everything to gain but very little to lose.” Tweet This

Why is risk tolerance so important to entrepreneurs? Join Peter Voogd and special guest serial entrepreneur Jordan Wirsz to learn how to mitigate and manage your risk-reward ratio.

Most entrepreneurs begin young and Jordan is no exception. Beginning at age 8, Jordan had acquired a taste for risk and a mindset for success. One of the biggest challenges facing young, motivated entrepreneurs is striking a balance between risks and rewards. Learn how to avoid getting burned by your ambitions and take calculated, appropriate risks!

“If you have a risk-averse life, you’re limiting yourself and living a mediocre life.” Tweet This

Through the guidance and mentorship of someone with more wealth and experience, you can grow the sophistication of your risk tolerance and build the life you’ve always imagined. Be sure to tune in next episode for the execution of risk management and actionable steps to becoming a successful entrepreneur!

“You cannot grow without risk. Period.” Tweet This



#96: Taking Charge of Your Life with Success Orientation

#96: Taking Charge of Your Life with Success Orientation

“The grass is not greener on the other side, the grass is greener where you water it.” Tweet This

Do you want to succeed consistently and build a brand that matters? Rather than blame others for your adversity, look at challenges as opportunities and persevere through creativity, tenacity, and action (2:48). Create the momentum needed for you to achieve with success orientation using these four tips (3:03):

  1. Develop an unshakeable confidence
  2. Draw motivation from emotions that inspire resourcefulness
  3. “Stick-to-it-ness”
  4. Position, don’t prospect

Don’t let external circumstances hold power over you and your ability to be successful. Set yourself up to have the best advantage by empowering yourself to be resourceful.

“The #1 reason people don’t succeed at the highest level  is because they never tell themselves now matters. Right now matters!” Tweet This



#95: The Power of Questions

#95: The Power of Questions

“You need to demand more of yourself than anyone else could possibly expect of you.” Tweet This

Some of the biggest breakthroughs in life come when you ask yourself the right questions. Reach for the next level in your business and in your life with six specific questions from Peter Voogd that will challenge you to get out of your own way and revolutionize your life so you get the results you want (1:05).  Using these six crucial questions will empower you to make the sacrifices necessary to ultimately achieve your goals.

After answering these hard hitting questions and envisioning your ideal path to making your dreams a reality, you can tweet Peter at to let him know how it went!

