There is NOTHING more valuable then your time. It’s the one resource that you cannot get more of. Are you using it wisely??
In this episode, Peter walks you step by step through his weekly time management plan. This goes way beyond the a simple task list. This is about getting out of the every day activities of your business so that you have a chance to work on growing your business. If you’re ready to get more impact out of your week this is an episode you need to listen to.

Your mental game is essential as an entrepreneur. You need to find ways to focus on what’s important and what will move the needle.
In this episode of the podcast, Peter gives his Focus Five Questions. Four questions with five answers that get you in the right mindset to tackle the day to day of your business, and keep you inspired to reach that next level.

What if….
How would that change your life? How would your business change? This episodes asks you to explore “What If…” Peter shares with you four what if’s that can create huge results. Taking time to think, explore, and ask important questions is essential. Here are four questions to ponder, and when you start acting on your answers….you can skyrocket your success.

How do you get real results? What does it really take to move the needle, to accomplish a meaningful goal?
That’s the question we explore on this episode of the podcast. It’s about removing the doubt, creating a belief in yourself and your abilities that is rock solid. Listen to this episode to find out the two big reasons entrepreneurs lose faith…


Are you ready to take your business to the next level??
To free up your time, create the lifestyle you want, and multiply your business you need to set up systems. Systems are processes that operate almost automatically. They help you reduce friction in your business and in your life. In this episode, Peter talks about the major keys for creating good systems in your business.
