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#048: How to Become More Valuable



Ultimately, it’s your value that determines where you will go. What you receive back from life – in terms of money, success, happiness, love – comes from the value that you bring.

How can you increase your value? That’s what Peter talks about on this episode of the podcast. He goes through several ways to become more valuable in every area of your life. That’s your focus for the week…How can you add more value to the world?

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#047: Eight Forms of Real Wealth [Part 2]


YEL001.001What is true wealth? Is it just money in the bank? Investments in real estate? Or is it more then that…

In this episode, we look at the second half of the eight forms of wealth. Peter talks about why each is important and how without them you are living a less than ideal life. Learn how to achieve the second four forms on this episode.

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#046: Eight Forms of Real Wealth


What is true wealth? Is it just money in the bank? Investments in real estate? Or is it more then that…

In this episode, we look at the first half of the eight forms of wealth. Peter talks about why each is important and how without them you are living a less than ideal life. Learn how to achieve the first four forms on this episode.

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#045: The Key To Ultra Focused Consistency


One of my favorite books is The Compound Effect. In this book Darren Hardy talks about how you can leverage seemingly small, simple actions to huge results.

The key….staying consistent. Doing those little actions day after day after day. Are you utilizing the power of consistency in your life? Consistency in your actions, consistency in what you say, consistency in your values.

This episode shows you how to make progress on your goals with five steps to increase your consistency.

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#044: How to Connect with High Value People



It’s not what you know, it’s who knows you.

Those words have never been more true then they are today. The big question is are you connecting with high value people. Are you connecting with those millionaires or other leads you admire. If you aspire to similar heights, you need to be.

How do you go about connecting with them? That’s what we address on this episode of Young Entrepreneur Lifestyle

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