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#022: Tactics to Help You Get the Most Out of Your Day


If you want to take your business to the next level and live the lifestyle of your dreams, you need to learn how to be productive.

How can you get the most out of your day?

That’s a question any entrepreneur should be asking themselves on a regular basis. In this episode of the podcast Peter delivers some great tips on how you can do just that.

Find out how to create a one page productivity plan in this episode…



#021: The “I don’t have enough time” Myth

I’m too busy.” “I don’t have enough time.” 

We all feel this way at times. We feel like there is never enough hours in the day. But each of us has the same amount of hours in every day, whether you are a Richard Branson, or a coach potato. To reach your dreams and live the entrepreneurial lifestyle you need to know how to maximize your time.

Learn how to stay out of the “I don’t have enough time” myth in this episode of the podcast.



#020: How to Lead a Team


It’s time to step up and lead. The world has enough followers and as a listener to this podcast I know you are ready and aspiring to be a difference maker. Being able to lead a team of people is a must to be the game changer you want to be.

Peter dives into some essential ways to go about leading a team. Even if your business is only you at this point this is an episode you NEED to hear.



#019: How to Differentiate Yourself


Don’t get lost in the crowd! To be successful in business you NEED to stand out. You need to be different then the rest. Peter walks you through the steps that will help you differentiate yourself from others.



#018: The Power of Asking Questions


Asking the right questions is crucial. Good questions lead to good thinking and help you gain clarity. This episode looks at the power of asking yourself good questions. These questions are designed to help you change your thinking and bring focus to your life.

