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#013: Using the Decision Train to Take Action


Better decisions lead to better results.

Too often we allow our feelings to dictate our actions. That leads to random, inconsistent, unproductive actions. Being intentional in your decisions is key.

In this episode, Peter teaches how to use the Decision Train to make more effective and productive decisions.

The Decision Train 

  • Feelings
  • Action
  • Decide



#012: Why Failure Is Important and How to Use It

Failure…. It’s a part of life as an entrepreneur.

Successful people see failure not as an end but as part of the process. It’s part of a road map on the journey to your goals and the lifestyle of your dreams. Learning to use failure productively is something all successful people must do.

Don’t run from failure, learn from it.



#011: How to Build Mental Toughness


Obstacles. Challenges. Failures…

These are all things every entrepreneur faces on a regular basis. How are you going to handle them?

Being mentally tough is essential in business. It’s a mandate for a good entrepreneur. If you are going to survive the pressure, the challenges, the setbacks you need to build mental toughness.

In this episode, Peter discusses the importance of mental toughness and how you can go about developing it.



#010: Why You Need a Morning Routine


Want to be more productive during the day? Want to get more done? Want to have more energy for your day?

If you answered yes to these then it’s time to be a morning person. Or at least time to create a morning routine. Having a good morning routine is important to making the most out of the rest of your day. It sets the tone for what you will accomplish and for the attitude you will have. Done right it will give the rest of your day the purpose and intentionality you need to reach the next level in your business and lifestyle.



#009: How to Create Consistent Energy in Your Life


Rundown, overwhelmed, dragging, dead, tired…. Do you ever feel this way?

Creating a successful business and lifestyle is almost impossible if you can’t find the energy to work on the projects that move you closer to your dreams. Learn how to build a life of consistent energy to help you get ahead in every area of your life.

In this episode, Peter delivers his four essential steps to having the energy you need to live life on your terms.

