#100: The Secret to Increasing Your Productivity

#100: The Secret to Increasing Your Productivity

“Steal time from your low-value activities and invest that time in higher value work.” Tweet This

Do you ever find yourself wishing that there were more hours in a day? Make the most of your life by increasing your productivity and spending more time focusing on the activities that add the most value to your life. Drawing his  inspiration from the brilliant, business-minded Eben Pagan’s tried-and-true method, Peter challenges you to organize your daily activities into these four categories (2:14):

  1. High Lifetime Value Value
  2. High Dollar per Hour Value
  3. Low Dollar per Hour Value
  4. Negative or Zero Value

Once you figure out how you are allocating your time, rearrange your daily schedule so you can achieve the most out of each and every day. Be sure to complete this activity and prepare yourself for the next episode where more tips and tools for unleashing your most productive self will be revealed!


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