The Secret to Increasing Your Productivity: Part 2

The Secret to Increasing Your Productivity: Part 2

Do you ever have the feeling that you aren’t getting enough done? Do you find yourself constantly multitasking but still feeling like you always have unfinished work? Stop confusing being busy for productivity and keep it simple and focused with Peter’s tips for increasing your productivity.

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When we wake up in the morning, we have a limited amount of willpower to spend throughout the day. Rather than prioritizing other people’s agendas over your own, try these tips for maximizing your concentration and productivity. Inspired by Eben Pagan’s 60/60/30 plan, Peter outlines a way to organize your work time for maximum results (2:23):

After your morning routine,

  1. 60 minutes of complete concentration and focus
  2. 15 minutes of renewal
  3. 60 minutes of complete concentration and focus
  4. 30 minutes of renewal

The blocks of renewal are absolutely essential for you to work at your optimal best. During these focused, uninterrupted blocks of time, it can help to have calming music playing in the background. One app that has proven successful for Hal Elrod, Peter, and Nick is the focus@will app-check it out!


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