#81: Five Hidden Tactics Every Achiever Knows

#81: Five Hidden Tactics Every Achiever Knows

There are a few, not always talked about, tactics that people who are high achievers utilize.

In this episode of the podcast, Peter goes over five tactics that are a foundational part of any achievers mindset, and lifestyle. These tactics help make sure they keep moving forward in a growth state of mind. Not letting the letdowns, challenges, or obstacles keep them from their goals.

Turn your disappointments into drive.” Tweet This

Here are the five tactics you will find in this episode:

  • Know your outcome
  • What makes it a must
  • Take massive action
  • Change your approach
  • Discipline your disappointments

Faith is imagination directed. Fear is your imagination undirected and undisciplined” Tweet This

Listen to this episode to start implementing these five tactics into your life.


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