#82: How To Accomplish More By Doing Less

#82: How To Accomplish More By Doing Less

Get more done! That’s what every entrepreneur would love to do. But there is only so much time in every day, and we don’t just want to be slaves to our work, we want to create a life that includes friends, family, personal passions, and time for ourselves. So how can we make it all work??

In this episode, we look at how to actually accomplish more (how to really move the needle on the important work) by doing few activities. It’s about stopping the busy work, ridding your life of the unnecessary and doubling down on the important.

Here are a few of the areas covered in this episode:

  • Why you need to have a Stop Doing List
  • How to create and protect your boundaries
  • The importance of putting a junk filter on your life
  • Why your new favorite word is NO
  • The Power of staying consistent

“If you don’t value and respect your time, no one else will.” Tweet This

Tune in to find out how to get more done with less in your life…


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  • Jean

    Very Eye -opening Peter. Learning/ Listening is the easy part. Taking action is the harder part.

    • Peter Voogd

      Thanks Jean! Appreciate you for listening!