#94: Managing Your Emotions and Gaining Clarity

#94: Managing Your Emotions and Gaining Clarity

“The first person to show emotion loses; stay strong in every leadership situation.” Tweet This

When you’ve invested time and money into achieving a goal, its natural that you would have emotional reactions. If you want to play hard, you have to work hard and making sound decisions by separating your decision making from your emotional impulses can be extremely challenging.

“Clarity is power and getting rid of fuzzy thinking will create massive energy.” Tweet This

Raise your standards, elevate your mindset of money and wealth, and learn what real success is with Peter Voogd this week as he outlines his method for gaining clarity and making rational decisions (13:10):

  1. Be aware of your emotions
  2. Take your time
  3. Shift your environment
  4. Seek the opinion of your mentor
  5. Sleep on it (if possible)
  6. Make your decision

There has never been a better time to build a world-class life and connect with world-class people, so actively surround yourself with inspiring people and benefit from their knowledge and advice.  If you are looking for guidance on your business venture, apply today for Peter and Jordan’s Millionaire Mastermind Retreat (15:00)!

“Things that make you successful are not the things that keep you successful. Period.” Tweet This



#93: Four Questions to Get Focused Results

#93: Four Questions to Get Focused Results

“I structure my schedule to give me a peace of mind.” Tweet This

“Shift away from being negative.” Tweet This

Looking for confidence, peace of mind, excitement and results in 2015?  The 4 questions I go through every month to shift my mind from stressed to 100% focused:

  • What are the top 5 things you’ve accomplished in the last 12 months?
  • What are the top Things you’re extremely grateful for?
  • What are you excited about in the next 3o days?
  • Top 5 results you’re trying to create in the next 30 days?

“The reality is if you really dig deep into what you’ve done in the last 12 months you will realize you’ve made results.” Tweet This

Got a question?  Check out what Peter has started on Twitter.

Tweet for Peter to answer any questions you have.  This is a great way to get one on one question and answer time with Peter Voogd as well as follow what others are discussing.



#92: Reverse Engineering

#92: Reverse Engineering

“Create your own security by who you are, by how confident you get, by who you connect with, and the actions you take daily.” Tweet This

You may have a business idea on paper, but do you know how to make those words come to life? Truly productive people know the precise results they’re after and they know how to craft a plan that will take their ideas to the next level. In this episode, Peter Voogd introduces the method of “Reverse Engineering”and outlines how to visualize your ideal outcome to attain the clarity necessary for success. By asking yourself the big questions behind what is motivating you to break out of the corporate mold, you can tailor a plan unique to you and set yourself on the fast track towards reaching your goals!

“Make a plan and take action!” Tweet This

“When you figure it out…that’s when you start getting massive motivation, inspiration, excitement, and clarity where you can make it happen!” Tweet This

