Are you in control of your time?? As entrepreneurs you could easily fill up your days with tasks. There is never a shortage of things to do. There are blog posts to write, new ideas to research, or the stapler that needs filling… I know you’re busy. The question is… Are you productive?
The trick is to make sure your week doesn’t just fill up with the small tasks, the busy work. We need to make sure we are putting the quality projects in the week. That we are spending time doing activities that will move us forward. In this episode, we talk about the weekly masterplan. This is a process of pre-planning your week so it is filled with more of what matters and less of what doesn’t.

Most people spend more time planning their vacation then their future. Don’t let yourself fall into that trap.
If you’ve been listening to this podcast since the beginning you know how important it is for you to be intentional with your time and your life. Spending time now to plan your future, and set goals is one of the non-negotiable of success.
Learn how to do it right in this episode…


Mastery is the highest form of success and performance. It’s what separates the good from the great. Most people spend all their time in information overload, just taking in more and more to never do anything with it.
The key to mastery is not finding the right teachers, the biggest difference is speed of implementation. In this episode of the podcast we talk about how you can put mastery to work in your life.


We are entering the final quarter of the year… Are you ready to finish strong??
The best way to start a new year is with a strong finish to the old one. By doing a few basic practices and getting refocused in these last 90 days you will put yourself way ahead of the majority. The majority is spending their time doing the EXACT OPPOSITE of what successful people do during this final stretch of the year. Listen to this episode so you don’t fall into that same trap.
