#035: Six Personal Insights to 10X Your Life


They say experience is the greatest teacher. I disagree. Without reflecting on that experience nothing is really learned. This episode of the podcast Peter shares some of what he has learned from his experiences the first half of the year. He shares what you can take away from his insights and how to apply them to your life.

It’s time to 10X your life. Listen to find out how…

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#034: What Motivates The Young Entrepreneur


Motivation. It’s a vital component for you and for those on your team. Too often, we hear about leaders of businesses and companies who are struggling with motivating their young hustlers, those young entrepreneurial minded employees. The ones who aren’t happy just simply taking a pay check for sitting in their chair for 40 hours a week.

In this episode Peter covers five main motivators of these young movers and shakers that you need to have in order to keep them on your team.

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#033: The Three “What’s” To a Great Team Culture


Culture… It’s a word we hear often today. Analysts are regularly talking about the culture of an organization and how that will effect the growth of the company. As owners of small businesses or solo entrepreneurs we can easily think that culture is not something we need to worry about. It only matters for those building a large company or who work with a big team.

But culture is much more important than that. Even as a solo business owner you need to be thinking about the culture of your business because it effects the way you interact with clients, the clients your attract, and eventually the team you build.

In this episode Peter talks more about why culture matters and the three “What’s” you need to be thinking about in order to build the right culture in your business.



#032: Five Trends of Young Millionaires


What makes millionaires special??

It’s more then a lucky break, being at the right place at the right time. There are several common personality traits and values that young millionaires have that others don’t. If you aspire to reach the same heights you NEED to know what these trends are.

Peter has been studying trends of young millionaires and in this episode he share the five most common…

