#017: Four Things That Rob Productivity


Productivity is much more then lists, and day planners. Productivity isn’t about checking tasks off or being able to schedule multiple meetings in a row. Productivity is about giving yourself back your time. You can use that time to complete more tasks, to spend more time with your family, or enjoy a new hobby. The time is yours to use.

In this episode of the podcast Peter talks about four major robbers of our productivity and how to help overcome them.



#016: Dropping Your Past and Transforming Your Future


The best way to predict someones next six months of results is to look at their last six months. That statement from Gary Vaynerchuk couldn’t be more true.

As much as we may hate to admit it, our previous results are often the best predictor of our future performance….unless we intentionally make a change.

In this episode Peter goes through an activity that will help you transform your future by intentionally looking at the actions you’ve taken in the past and the changes you need to make in the future.



#015: How to Boost Your Referability Factor


Getting referrals from your current customers is the most sustainable way to grow a business. But are you making sure to give your business the best chance for referrals? Do you know your referability factor?

Learn why referrals are so important and how you can naturally build them into everything about your business.



#014: Selling Yourself on You

If you are procrastinating on a project it’s because you haven’t fully sold yourself on your ideas.

Selling yourself is all about being fully committed. It’s about diving in with both feet. In this episode, Peter goes through the three major steps to help you get sold on your own ideas and commitments.

