#074: The Power Of Momentum



Are you putting momentum to work for you?

2015 is right around the corner, but rather than coast through the remainder of 2014 use this time to set up next year to be your best ever!

The last leg determines your entire year. Tweet This.

Momentum is a powerful force. It will allow you to accomplish more than you ever thought possible. But to use momentum effectively you need to intentionally create it. In this episode of the podcast we look at six ways you can build momentum to propel you through the end of the year. Don’t start 2015 flat footed, start it on a dead sprint!


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  • http://www.callcentertv.com The Call Center

    This was absolutely powerful. The best podcast I’ve heard so far…

    • Peter Voogd

      Thankyou, that means alot! Much more to come.

  • kathyf

    Love this!!! The final push!! Yesssss!!! The race is won or lost in the final push…so good!!

    • Peter Voogd

      Appreciate you listening Kathy!!

  • http://www.takeacktion.com Susan Webster Adams

    I’ve been actively listening to your podcast since the beginning with ears wide open soaking everything in. I just recently started actively IMPLEMENTING your strategies. I’m excited to finally be able to share some results with you! This past Black Friday/Cyber Monday was our best EVER. By a LOT. We increased our sales 40% (adding over 5-figures in revenue) during the 4-day weekend. I can’t thank you enough for being such a massive source of motivation, inspiration, actionable strategies and a regular kick in the ____. I’m working on your 6-Figures Blueprint now to get set up for an absolutely killer 2015 teaching others what I’ve learned in eCommerce. Thank you so much!!!