#055: How To Take Full Responsibility For Your Future



Do your past situations dictate your future??

This week’s episode looks at a true story of two boys and how their past influence their future. One allows his situation to control his future and another takes control of it. Peter dives into ways that you can take control of your future and make sure you create the future of your dreams.


The Five Ways to Take Responsibility for Your Future:

  • Investigate the excuses you own
  • Stop the excuses
  • Put yourself in others perspective
  • Don’t judge just analyze
  • Pause and reflect


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  • http://www.takeacktion.com Susan Webster Adams

    Another great episode! Key takeaways:

    1. You can have excuses or results. Choose wisely.
    2. Your future is a reflection of your past choices.
    3. Look at your results for the past 6 months. It’s a prediction for your next 6 months unless you start making drastic changes quickly.
    4. Take responsiblity for your reality. Your life is your own. Not the result of anyone else.
    5. Your perception of your situation makes a major impact on your future path.
    6. Be empathetic. Don’t judge others. Learn from them. Observe and analyze and use it to become stronger.
    7. Believe in others so they can become more.
    8. Pause and reflect to adjust your course and keep moving forward faster.

    Competition is my greatest motivator;) They keep me on my toes always striving for more. Without them, I would be tormented by complacency. With them, we’re always growing.

    • Peter Voogd

      Great thoughts @sue_candlesoffmain_com:disqus! Thanks for sharing.