#050: My Six Biggest Lessons… PLUS a Giveaway Contest!!


contestp.001Episode #50!! 

We made it. Thank you to the hundreds of you who have listened to each and every single episode. It means a lot. For our 50th episode we wanted to do something unique. Peter has connected and been mentored by some high level achievers and in this episode he shares the biggest lessons he has learned from them.

PLUS…. Listen to the end of the show for a very special announcement on our 50th Episode Giveaway Contest. You can enter the contest by clicking here.


Get insights and Lessons from:

  • Gary Vaynerchuk
  • MJ DeMarco
  • Grant Cardone
  • And More!!


Celebrate with us by clicking here to enter our giveaway contest.

  • Sue | CandlesOffMain.com

    Great giveaway! Thanks for offering. I’ve been listening to your podcast for a while now and it’s amazing. I really appreciate you offering all your insight, information and guidance. I look forward to every episode so please don’t stop!

    • http://www.NickPalkowski.com/ Nick Palkowski

      Thanks Susan. Glad you are enjoying the podcast. We don’t plan on stopping anytime soon!

    • Peter Voogd

      I really appreciate that @sue_candlesoffmain_com:disqus . Thanks for to invest in YOU. We aren’t stoppin!!!

  • http://www.ryanfrance.com ryanfrance

    Nick – just left my 5 star itunes review but keep getting an error message (account disabled) from your lead pages sign up form when I submit for the contest. Could be user error on my end, just want to make sure my review as submitted. Thanks – Love the podcast!

    • http://www.NickPalkowski.com/ Nick Palkowski

      Ryan, you should of gotten an email from me yesterday. We got you entered and the error shouldn’t be an issue anymore. Thanks again for the review and being a loyal listener!