#045: The Key To Ultra Focused Consistency


One of my favorite books is The Compound Effect. In this book Darren Hardy talks about how you can leverage seemingly small, simple actions to huge results.

The key….staying consistent. Doing those little actions day after day after day. Are you utilizing the power of consistency in your life? Consistency in your actions, consistency in what you say, consistency in your values.

This episode shows you how to make progress on your goals with five steps to increase your consistency.


Create connection with high value people:

  1. Add Value First
  2. Spread the word about what they do
  3. Be a giver
  4. Start building up your influence

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  • http://www.takeacktion.com Susan Webster Adams

    Great episode and so true. Consistency and keeping the momentum going are definitely keys to success. Staying consistent is the hard part but so worth the rewards you get in return when you stick to your path. Great tips as always! I