Seven Habits Of the Wealthy (Are you missing any?)

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Are your habits setting you up for financial success?

Do you know what the wealthiest people have in common?

In this episode of the podcast we dive into the habits of the rich and wealthy. There are a few consistent practices that show up again and again among the wealthiest people, do you think you could benefit from them?

Learn these seven habits that will accelerate your financial success.


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  • Beth C.

    Did I miss one? I got the following six habits:
    1. Get clear on your long-term goals, write them down and look at them daily.
    2. Listen to success materials in your car and when working out.
    3. Read 30 minutes daily.
    4. Watch less than an hour of TV daily (if at all).
    5. Sleep at least 7 hours a day.
    6. Get more than 30 minutes of vigorous exercise at least 4 times a week.

    I really hope the ice bath wasn’t number 7 – that sounds TERRIBLE. :)
    Just kidding – I try not to discount anything before I try it…

    Love the podcast! Thanks so much!

    • Nick Palkowski

      Ice baths is 7.1 :)

      They are a little painful but super invigoration afterwards. But honestly, it’s been years since I’ve personally done them. I have a hard enough time with the cold winters here.

      The other step is mastering 3-5 books a year versus just reading as many as you can.

      Glad you’re loving the podcast Beth. I would love to hear the take aways you have from other episodes.

  • Susan Webster Adams

    LOVE the new mic! Totally worth the investment. Thanks for changing the battery in your smoke detector as well:)

  • Preston

    What are your Definitions of Rich and Poor and where are you getting your sources?