#91: How To Better Execute Your Day

#91: How To Better Execute Your Day

“All that really matters to move results forward is execution.” Tweet This

Got ideas written out that seem to pile up, but never leave the page?  Do email, social media, phone calls and texts seem to fill your day? We all have distractions that tend to hold us back from achieving our goals and productivity.  Peter Voogd breaks down the five keys helping people move beyond the page of ideas and provides an attainable action plan for controlling momentum killers including:

  • Understanding the importance of execution
  • Figuring out your top 3 to 5 momentum killers
  • Selling Yourself
  • Maximize the day
  • Stay Intentional

“Stop the ideas and start the execution.” Tweet This

The most important aspect for having a great year is how you execute your day. Listen to create your execution plan.


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