It’s Time To Execute
So what’s standing between you and your first seven figures (or, yes, even your first six)? Is it a lack of learning opportunities? Or maybe a lack of information? No way! Not in today’s world. Chances are you’ve already been exposed to great advice—multiple times! The challenge is to recognize the good stuff, pay attention to it, and then implement it.
Today we check on the fundamentals you’ve surely heard before—but for whatever reason still aren’t doing. And if you’re not doing these things, it’s hurting you. In fact, let’s not overcomplicate this: It’s probably why you’re not making what you want to be making; it’s probably why you’re not where you want to be in your life. So let’s change that! Listen in today to discover what’s holding you back so you can adjust, refocus, and then execute!
In this episode, you will . . .
• See if you’re paralyzed by perfection—when you should be experimenting
• Hear why thinking things through is so crucial
• Take a second look at your delegation methods
• Understand why making the wrong trades for your time can really hurt you
• Be reminded about whose desires, needs, and concerns are the most important (hint: it’s not you)

Creating an Authentic Brand | An Interview with Jessica Nazarali
Branding time! You probably know that to sustain relevance and success for your business, a strong, consistent brand is more important than ever. But how do you create a brand that’s both compelling and authentic to who you are?
Fortunately for us, we’ve got Jessica Nazarali to share her branding insights. She’s a highly sought-after online business consultant. Last episode, we learned how Jessica built her client base by blogging consistently for eighteen months before ever making a sale. Of course she was doing way more than blogging. She was laying the foundation for what is today a seven-figure brand.
According to Jessica, embracing the branding process allows you to find your own voice while you understand what your audience really wants.
In this episode, you will . . .
- Hear about Jessica’s game-changers for her own brand
- Learn crucial steps to take in building your brand—before you ever seek feedback from others
- Find out why photography, video, and web design are so important for branding successfully
- Learn how Jessica built confidence writing her own copy
- Discover how you can use copy writing to gauge what people want from you
- Get a bonus – hear what Jessica’s top-performing clients all have in common

Using Free To Build a Business | An Interview with Jessica Nazarali
You wanna make money! We get it. But hold on a second. If you’re in the early stages of building your business or have been doing some serious thinking about starting one, it’s essential that you put your focus in the right place. Just ask our guest, Jessica Nazarali. Today, she’s a wildly successful online business consultant. And, yes, she’s making a lot of money—like way into the six figures. But do you know what she did for a year-and-a-half before she ever made a single sale? She consistently delivered unique and highly valuable content to a growing number of eager followers—for free—through her blog. Today, Jessica shares crucial insights on how you can build followers and, ultimately, gain devoted clients and customers.
In this episode, you will . . .
- Hear Jessica’s thoughts on the number one quality required for success
- Learn ways to gain followers while promoting your business
- Get great advice on how to create strategic partnerships—and learn why they’re so valuable
- Hear why having a strong “Why?” is so important
- Hear what Jessica’s biggest income-producing marketing technique is
- Be inspired and start focusing on effective ways to build your own audience

What Does Success Mean To You? | An Interview with Aaron Walker
Who doesn’t want to live a successful life? Last episode, we talked with businessman and life coach, Aaron Walker, about how he started as an entrepreneur at a very young age and how living with a purpose makes a great difference! For this episode, Aaron is back to dive deeper and help you identify what a successful, significant life will be for you!
In this episode, you will…
- Learn the right questions to ask to set yourself up for success
- Find out how to properly present and close a deal
- Discover the best way to deal with mistakes and errors and how to correct them
- Learn why the meaning of success depends on what you want to achieve

Living with a Purpose | An Interview with Aaron Walker
Meet entrepreneurial whiz and life coach, Aaron Walker. He started working when he was just 13, started his own business when he was 18, and sold that business to a Fortune 500 company shortly thereafter! He has inspired many people through leadership, mentorship, and a consistent pursuit of excellence. Today, Aaron shares how living with a purpose makes all the difference!
In this episode, you will…
- Learn how to have the courage to ask people for partnership
- Learn why delaying gratification will help your business, especially if you are just getting started
- Find out how Aaron Walker started a business when he was just 18 years old and how it evolved
- Learn about the importance of investing in relationships for your business
- Discover how Aaron maintains good relationships
- Benefit from hindsight – hear what Aaron would have done differently when he was just starting
- Discover the tremendous benefit that mastermind groups can offer

Maximizing YOUR Productivity
As a continuation of last week’s episode, co-author of The One Thing, Jay Papasan is joining us again for another great topic this week. Today, Jay talks about how morning routines can help you maximize productivity. Yawning at the prospect of doing the same thing every day? Doing so will actually keep you motivated, engaged, and encouraged, as you gain joyful mastery over your craft and get real, rewarding results!
In this episode, you will…
- Find out what being productive means for Jay Papasan
- Gain a better understanding of productivity and learn how to use that understanding to improve YOUR productivity
- Hear the strategies that made an impact on Jay’s bottom line results
- Discover the benefit of adding a new habit to your daily routine
- Learn about the act of highlighting when you are reading
- Learn effective strategies for planning
Are you ready to discover what The One Thing means?

Finding Your One Thing (An Interview with Jay Papasan)
When you’re trying to break through as an entrepreneur, it can feel like you’re constantly on the clock. Today I’m talking with Jay Papasan, co-author of The One Thing, on how you can maximize your productivity and your profit.
In this episode, you will…
- Discover the four thieves of productivity and how to reclaim your day for yourself and your business
- Hear the common mistakes most young entrepreneurs make when approaching productivity

Why Ambition Is Priceless
What is motivation? What motivates you? There is a difference between inspiration in the moment and real, sustained motivation that actually helps people. Today we’ll talk about the reason why Peter created the “Ambition is Priceless” mixtape. Motivation can shift your focus and thinking; it allows you to reach new heights in both thought and action!
In this episode, you will…
- Learn what motivated Peter to reach new heights
- Discover the difference between feel-good motivation and sustained motivation
- Get tips on how to handle the negative feedback from haters
- Be inspired to start taking action towards your goals

Optimize and Maximize Your Life
And he’s back for more! The world renowned speaker, author, and entrepreneur, Mark Lack is here today to share his strategies on how to optimize and maximize everything you have. Whether it’s financial, intellectual, or relational, by using the steps that Mark lays out in this podcast, you can start to increase your capital and your profit today.
In this episode, you will…
• Learn the value of investing in your intellectual capital to ‘shorten the gap’ between you and success
• Hear how you can start with the simple stuff in optimizing your financial capital
• Discover how to grow your relational capital by building off of you financial and intellectual capital

Being Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable
Become comfortable with being uncomfortable with today’s guest, author and international speaker, Mark Lack. Today Mark and I discuss the secret to cultivating a mindset that will allow you to enjoy the results that you want in your life through changing your daily patterns.
In this episode, you will…
- Learn the power of habit and how becoming aware of your patterns can maximize your results
- Discover how you can upgrade your knowledge base by upleveling your circle of influence
- Hear the biggest factor that differentiates Mark from his competitors