#83: Three Focuses to Conquer a 30 Day Challenge

#83: Three Focuses to Conquer a 30 Day Challenge
30 Day Challenges are an excellent way to push yourself for massive change in a short amount of time. That’s why they are used by so many people. But how do you get the most out of your 30 day challenge or any time that your are looking to push yourself beyond what your current limits are?
In this episode of the podcast, Peter shares the three things he was taught by a mentor that helped him achieve maximum results in a short burst of time. These are not merely simple strategies but in-depth mindsets that help to supercharge your productivity and drive
Here are a few of the areas covered in this episode:
  • Get greedy for once
  • Get curious
  • Most wouldn’t
“You have to expect more of yourself than others do.” Tweet This
Tune in to find out how to get the most out of your 30 day challenge…


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  • http://www.homeschooling-ideas.com/ Julie Gilbert

    I thought this was an absolutely fabulous edition of the podcast guys. Perfect for the new year. Thank you so much.

    • Peter Voogd

      Thank YOU @disqus_PHSoBwdKgt:disqus for listening and here’s to a great 2015!!!

  • Jean

    I love this Podcast. I’m already making great progress in the new year after listening to you. Thanks Peter and Nick.

    Love from Nairobi.

    • Peter Voogd

      We appreciate that @disqus_cifztRxpKU:disqus! Keep up the great work :)

  • William Burdette

    Great ideas, especially to get out of Ruts! It’s easy when it’s easy, what about when it’s challenging!